Philosophy of Society -or- Occupational Dream Directory
This dream interpretation is a synoptic philosophical/psychodynamic outline, in the sense that it discusses the "division of labor" found in dreams. After the introduction, an A-Z occupational dream directory is provided. More occupations will be added as more occupations found in dreams are posted.
The Division of Labor -or- Social Observational Learning
Early on in my notebooks, I documented the idea that learning by observation and role model was a primary channel of learning found in my dreams. As a student, researching this idea at the Zentralbiblioteck (Central Library) in Zurich, I found the work of Edward Thorndike, Albert Bandura and Leonard Berkowitz on instrumental and social learning theory. Each of us learn to take on numerous roles in society. Those who have difficulty finding a social role will experience role confusion and role conflict. The importance of role learning is also one of the reasons we can find a significant number of role playing fantasies and games in dreams (read IIDR interpretation "Role Playing").
From a sociological perspective we can see that Emil Durkheim's "Division of Labor" finds pragmatic expression when researching the sociology of dreams. Organic and mechanical solidarity and collective consciousness are concepts that can be applied to understanding the collective psychodynamic social structure and function of our dreams.
As stated in a number of dream interpretations found at the IIDR website, the individual and collective diffusion of responsibility are at the pragmatic core of social problems we are faced with in the global village. Dreams like "Streetproofing" and "Collective Dissociative Disorder" attest to the psychological problem.
With the Industrial Revolution and industrialization an epochal shift in social organization and social order took place. Time became more structured, factories needed to use time tables to schedule work, schools and the education system also became scheduled, leisure time such as travel also ran on schedules (ie. train). Professions, occupations and careers became more diversified as employment opportunities grew and the industrial sectors of the economy expanded. The SOC classification system identifies 840 job type profiles.
Here are some of the A to Z work related behavioural economic division of labor found in dreams:
- Academic; "Web of Communication -or- Researching the Sociology of Dreams"
- Actor: "House Calls"
- Archeologist: "In Dreams Begin Discoveries"
- Architect "The Vimy Ridge Memorial"
- Artist:
- Astronaut "The Dreams of Wally Schirra"
- Businesswoman: "Paris Hilton in San Francisco"
- Computer Operator: "Computers and Planes, Buses and Trains"
- Criminal:
- Bomber; "Memorial to the Oklahoma City Bombing"
- Kidnapper; "Kidnapping of Caylee Anthony"
- Killer; "History of Natural Born Killers"
- Murderers; "Murderers Among Us"
- Pedophile; "Pedophilia"
- Prisoner; "The Prisoners Dilemna"
- Terrorist; "Bin Laden's Dream"
- Digital Artist: "Sweet Dreams are Made of These"
- Doctor:
- Dream Researcher: "Field Notes of a Dream Researcher"
- Environmentalist: "Silent Spring"
- Homemaker: "Good Housekeeping's Seal of Approval"
- Lawyer: "The Law Student"
- Leaders:
- Presidents:
- Prime Minister MacKenzie King "King's National Dream"
- Prime Minister Winston Churchill "Punchlines of Winston Churchill"
- Alexander the Great "The Oracle of the Dream"
- Caesar: "Dreams of Caesars"
- Constantine "Christianity"
- Otto von Bismarck "The Culture Wars"
- Vladimir Lenin "To Russia with Love"
- Adolf Hitler "Hitler's Mein Kampf"
- Military:
- Test Plans Analyst "American Military-Industrial Complex"
- Soldiers "Dreaming in Iraq"
- Generals "Patton's Dream"
- Musician
- Pianist and Composer "Role Over Beethoven"
- Nurse: "Occupational Hazards"
- Office Staff: "Retirement"
- Philosopher: "Socrates on Death Row"
- Photographer "Travel the World in 1001 Night"
- Physicist: "The Dreams of Wolfgang Pauli"
- Playwright: "William Archer's Dream of Hedda Gabler"
- Poets: "Hermann Hesse and the Downfall of the West"
- Police: "The Crime Novel"
- Prostitute:
- Psychologists:
- "The Dreams of William James"
- "Memories, Dreams and Reflections" of Carl Gustav Jung
- "Freud's Self Deception"
- Scientist: "Designing Scientific Experiments in Dreams"
- Singer: "Madonna"
- Student:
- "Coming of Age"
- "The Seminary Student"
- "The Medical Student in India"
- "Grey's Anatomy of the Medical Ego"
- "French Kissing in China"
- "Melodramatic Love, Belgian Style"
- "Das Auto in Zurich"
- "Juvenile Dreams -or- Growing up in New York and Vienna"
- "Moonstruck in South Africa"
- "Doll's House -or- Dreaming in Norway"
- "The Fear of Falling"
- "Dreaming in Australia -or- Amerika and Planet Hollywood"
- Teacher: "Teachers as Role Models"
- Theologian: "Rabbi and Priest"
- Unemployed: "Psychological Survival"
- Writer: "The Creative Dreams of Writers"