Arena of Masculinity - or - The Sports Industry
Dreamer: George, 30, North American
Sometimes they are straight-up playing golf dreams where I'm playing very well or very poor. A more common one, I'm golfing (I am an avid golfer), but I'm actually indoors, or near a wall or something, and while I am excited to play, I can't make a full swing at the ball because there isn't enough space, and it drives me nuts. The dream always ends before I can find the space to swing.
My read: I used to swing a club in the living room, before I was married and had a higher ceiling. I could slam dunk a basketball with ease, gliding high above the rim.
Mr. Hagen's Reply: Arena of Masculinity or the Sports Industry
The Sports Industry
Many dreams received at the International Institute for Dream Research have sports as a theme. The sports industry in all its diverse forms, including professional, amateur, league play and children's minor leagues, provides fuel to this field of dreams of the imagination. The films such as Tin Cup (watch trailer) and Bull Durham (see trailer) attest to masculine ritual games. The glory of winning and agony of defeat form the plot that the stars act out in a ritualistic drama. Ancient Greek in origin, the Olympic Games have led to the modern diversification of the sports industry into golf, basketball, football, baseball, hockey, soccer, etc., which includes the commodification of sporting equipment. Television sports coverage such as Monday Night Football or Sunday afternoon PGA golf provides the fan with distraction and dramatic amusement in seasonal formats. Gambling on games provides further agony and ecstasy.
Jack Nicholas reported to the San Francisco Chronicle (June 27, 1964) that had found a new golf swing in a dream. Nicholas had evidently been in a slump and the new swing improved his scoring dramatically.
Men in Jockstraps or Arena of Masculinity
Men tend to identify with sports more than women. Brian Pronger, in "The Arena of Masculinity: Sports, Homosexuality and the Meaning of Sex," finds the myths of masculinity embodied in play and sport. Play, sport and performance go hand in hand. I am wondering if there is an association to your performance on various levels? You might be feeling cramped, restricted and frustrated in your masculine performance? You seem especially to feel that you don't have enough space to show off your skills? As your own "read" informs, these inhibitions may be felt since or perhaps as a result of your marriage. If so, this is a North American marital conflict that is quite prevalent, under the male sports watcher motto "not while I'm watching ...honey"..."can you get me a beer?"
Hope these thoughts are of help and provide some insight,
Mark H.